Formed from the ashes of FASA Studios, Dark Void is the first title to emerge from Airtight Studios and can trace its influences to the former Microsoft studio's work on Crimson Skies. A third-person shooter that straps a jet-pack on the main character, Will, and spuriously claims to be the "first fully 3D shooter", Dark Void's claims are tenuous at best, but suggestive of the fact that combat isn't exclusively restricted to the ground.
So it's left to the actual game, a mixture of insipid Gears of War styled third-person combat, elevated by the ability to hover in the air for an aerial advantage or take to the skies in gameplay that's more in common with arcade flight games like the aforementioned Crimson Skies. A bit of a jumbled heap when it comes to gameplay, which is also evident throughout many facets of the game. In many ways it seems it began its life at another publisher, with an adventure tone and cast of characters unmistakably shaped like Indiana Jones while cries of "Stay on target" and warnings of 'bad feelings' are nods to another Lucas universe - even the translucent blue subtitle font is identical to the one featured in numerous Star Wars games. But underneath this the game is unmistakably a Capcom game, if only by it's punishing difficulty. It's not necessarily a trait of advanced AI or clever design, but remnants of game design from a bygone era. Difficulty stems from frustration in Dark Void; moments such as checkpoints respawning you in the middle of a gunfight which brings an instant death and a vicious cycle of reloads.
There's a very good reason why most shooters keep targets largely limited to a horizontal plain, as controlling a reticule in a shooter can be tough at the best of times in shooters that are more vertically challenged. The idea that opening this up to both horizontal and extreme vertical dimensions isn't necessarily anything new, but it's a concept that has still yet to be fully realised. The various Watcher units have a habit of taking to the skies, and without an auto-aim or slight assistance, the very basics of targeting the enemy can be a frustrating routine, albeit one that becomes easier the more you play. It's not a flaw of the control system, but just a big question mark over the fundamental design of the game. Occasionally the Gears of War cover is taken to the vertical dimension, with the ability to jet pack to an elevated ledge. Although the Watchers do handle the freedom of the environment and the vertical dimension quite efficiently, such sections quickly suffer from extremely repetitive whack-a-mole gameplay. Further still, it's only designated ledges that Will can latch on to, which leaves you constantly asking: "If he's got a jetpack, why can't he use it?" Thankfully, Dark Void doesn't even attempt to do anything beyond combat. Whenever the game involves control panels or locked doors it's simply a case of shooting them, rather then traipsing around the uninspired levels looking for keys or attempting a mini-game. For that, we're pretty appreciative.
It's also hard to get too excited by the average production values. Dark Void isn't the worst looking game to be powered by Unreal Engine 3, but it's certainly not pretty. The main grief stems from the lack of ambition granted to its overall presentation and direction. Uncharted 2 has demonstrated how to weave cut-scenes and gameplay to create a tighter, more immersive experience. Dark Void's stale, static structure of gameplay and cut-scenes now feels archaic and leaves you asking why certain, more explosive action depicted in cut-scenes couldn't have been incorporated into gameplay more efficiently.
The game's 14 stages come to an end in an average number of hours and a thoroughly unsatisfying manner. With such an abrupt ending you'd imagine it's been left open for a sequel, but surely such chances seem remote given the game's likely performance at retail. Reward for completing the game comes in the form of an enhanced radar that shows the location of all of the missed collectables; forgive us if we didn't jump straight back into the game to discover everything. If Dark Void largely manages to provide an unremarkable experience, some surprise comes from the lack of a tacked on multiplayer mode. Typically we moan at such attempts, but we're certainly shocked that Airtight Studios didn't see the opportunity of aerial dogfights to at least add the illusion of replay value.
- Graphics: 78%
- Sound: 72%
- Gameplay: 64%
- Originality: 73%
- Longevity: 58%
Overall Score: 6/10
The ultimate issue in front of Dark Void is the fact that it doesn't know whether it's a third-person shooter or an arcade flight game, and does a pretty mediocre attempt at both. An uninspired approach to the design of the game's stages and challenges ultimately leaves Dark Void dangling in the chasm of mediocre shooters. Capcom's western developed titles haven't enjoyed the best of success so far; a trait we hope doesn't continue with Blue Castle's attempt at Dead Rising 2.
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